Sculpture Facilities

The sculpture area provides facilities within an environment promoting exploration on many levels. In the Sherman Center Art Studio, home to Sculpture and Glass in the Department of Art, students gain expertise in a wide variety of materials and processes as they advance through their degree studies. Additionally, Sculpture shares the Studios for Art and Design, a multidisciplinary fabrication facility located in Hopkins Hall. In addition to a full woodshop, these Studios include laser cutters, 3D printers, and CNC machines. 


Sculpture students have their own woodshop, metal shop, mold-making shop, and video editing room within a wireless environment. Sculpture students share a gallery, The Clean Space, that is used for class critiques, student exhibitions, artwork experimentation and documentation. Graduate students and upper-level undergraduate majors share these common spaces. Graduate students are provided with individual or two-person studio spaces. Two additional large studios are shared by undergraduate majors.